Educating for a healthier tomorrow
Team Wild Fire Store
All of the products available in this online store are for Team Wild Fire members only.
Class in a Box
Class in a Box contains all of the resources you need to host your own essential oil class.
An Introduction to Essential Oils class is what we call an "Oils Discovery". There are different themes of intro classes available to choose from - "For Kids" which is focused on uses for Mum, Bubs and Kids. "For Dogs" which is focused on uses for dogs and their owners and "For You".
A continuing education class is for existing Young Living members. When hosting a continuing education class, each attendee will receive a class pack. The class packs have been created for those of you who are wanting to educate your members by a class - they offer amazing value for money and have been heavily subsidised by Andrew and Sharon to encourage you to educate your members with classes. These packs are not available for general purchase - they are only available to those who are using them for attendees in their classes.
Presenter Notes are available for each of the classes. These notes contain the complete script for the class and directions on what to do. You can read this script word-for-word for each class.