Team Wild Fire Store
All of the products available in this online store are for Team Wild Fire members only.
Oils Discovery for Kids Class in a Box
The Class in a Box allows you to easily select everything you need to be able to host an "Oils Discovery for Kids" class.
On the right you will see several dropdown options that you can choose. This "a-la-cart" menu allows you to choose exactly what you need according to how may guests you expect and what resources you may already have. Note that an actual "box" isn't included - just everything you select from the dropdown options on the right.
You need to select the quantity that you want for each item. The total price will automatically adjust for you as you select the quantity for each item.
The following is an explanation of all of the options you can select:
Presenter Notes - You will need a set of presenter notes which is used to present the class.
You can print the presenter notes yourself (access the PDF file from the Sharer's Club Library), or, you can have a bound set of notes sent to you.
The Presenter Notes take you through the class from start to finish - giving you directions on what to do and exactly what to say.
How to run an Introduction Class - This is a must have for everyone who is holding introduction classes. This document covers exactly what you need to do to run an introduction to essential oils class. From who to invite and how to invite people to the class, through to how to handle questions during the class, and how to look after the people who order.
You can print these notes yourself (access the PDF file from the Sharer's Club Library), or, you can have a bound set of notes sent to you. (You will only need one of these documents. If you already have this document that you ordered in another Class in a Box pack, you don't need an extra copy for each class theme.)
Oils Discovery Books - You will loan (for the duration of the class) an Oils Discovery book to each attendee at the class. This means if you intend on having a maximum of 4 people at the class, you will need 5 Oils Discovery books (one for yourself, and one each for the 4 attendees).
The attendees do not get to keep these books - they will hand them back to you at the end of the class.
Introduction to Essential Oils for Kids Books - You will loan (for the duration of the class) an Introduction to Essential Oils for Kids book to each attendee at the class. This means if you intend on having a maximum of 4 people at the class, you will need 5 intro books (one for yourself, and one for each of the attendees). The attendees do not get to keep these books - they will hand them back to you at the end of the class.
We do suggest that you use this Introduction to Essential Oils for Kids Book as an incentive for the attendee to get started. "Get started today with the Premium Starter Kit and you get to take home with you the Introduction to Essential Oils for Kids book." If you use this book as an incentive gift, you will need to order extra copies of this book to ensure you have enough books for future classes.
Oils Discovery Order Form - This is a double sided A4 page. On one side is a picture of the Premium Starter Kit with diffuser options. This is used during the last section of the class after the ordering options have been explained. It gives attendees a visual of what is included in the PSK.
The other side is an order form. This easy to complete order form allows the attendee to get started as a wholesale member with the Premium Starter Kit. It is the easiest way for a new member to get started. After the class, you then take the form and complete the signup process online using the info on the form.
The order form can be printed - you will find the PDF file in the "Sharer's Club Library" : "How to run classes".
Essential Rewards Flyers - These are used to help explain the Essential Rewards subscription program and are handed out when Essential Rewards is explained. The Essential Rewards program can be difficult for guests to understand, so these flyers make explaining it much easier.
Lucky Door Prize Tickets - OPTIONAL. Only required if you intend on offering a lucky door prize. These tickets give guests something to do when they arrive and while you are waiting for other guests to arrive. They give you some talking points and give you a little insight into their past oils experiences.
You can print these yourself by downloading the PDF you will find in the "Sharer's Club Library" : "How to run classes" : "Presenter Notes & Class Packs".
Welcome to Essential Oil Book & Oily Resources Books - OPTIONAL. When a new member gets started, we suggest that you gift them a Welcome book and Oily Resources book.
10ml Thieves Cleaner Sample Bottle & Thieves Cleaner Book - OPTIONAL. These can be used as an incentive. This small sample will let the new member experience the power of the Thieves cleaner and the book shows them all of the ways that they can use it in their house. Fill the 10ml bottle up with un-diluted thieves cleaner - then the new member can use that to make up a spray bottle to try it at home.
Additional Information
To host your own class, you will also need:
- Premium Starter Kit with the 11 Oils
- Diffuser from one of the PSKs (eg Dew Drop, Desert Mist)
- Young Living's V6 Vegetable Oil Complex
We also suggest that have have handy the books Why Young Living and Buyer's Guide. They are not used during the class, but are handy to have as they answer many questions that people may have about Young Living the company or about ordering.
Class Promotion System - Team Wild Fire have a free class promotion system that handles all of the logistics of the class for you. It will create a Facebook Event Page and EventBrite event page for you, and it looks after:
- Sending Email Invitations to the class
- Creating a Facebook Event page that allows you to use Facebook Invites
- Taking bookings (and emailing you when a booking comes through)
- Sending email confirmations (confirming date/time/venue) when a person books
- Sending a 48hr reminder email before your class
This allows you to spend your time on marketing your class and getting people to it, rather than you trying to work out and spending lots of time with facebook event pages, booking systems, email confirmations, etc. To get your class setup and using the class promotion system, simply complete this form.
To learn all about the class promotion system and how to make the most out of it, see the "Sharer's Club Library" : "How to run classes" : "Class Promotion System"