Team Wild Fire Store
All of the products available in this online store are for Team Wild Fire members only.
Welcome + Oily Resources sent to new member
Welcome to Essential Oils and Oily Resources books sent to your newly enrolled member!
You have just enrolled a new Young Living member, congratulations! You want to get them off to the right start by sending them the Welcome to Essential Oils 48-page booklet and the Oily Resources 16-page booklet.
When you purchase this, your new member will be sent in the mail all of the following:
- A welcome to Young Living cover letter (that has your name on it) that explains their Young Living account and details what is in the 2 books.
- 48-page Welcome to Essential Oils booklet
- 16-page Oily Resources booklet
- 3 flyers - Essential Rewards, Thieves Cleaner and Kids Care
The price also includes the envelope and postage.
After you purchase this product, simply follow the payment instructions (payment is made via internet banking). After payment is received, all of the above will be sent out to the new member on your behalf.
Note: We already have your new members address from the YL system.